03 September 2014

From my Dreams Journal ~

I am kayaking along a river, headed north. The landscape on the riverbank is of unbroken woods. Then, while coming toward a stream inlet, I see a plot of land that has been cleared; there is a well manicured lawn and a large (more than 12 ft in height) gauzy looking tent. A sculpture - even taller than the tent (reminded me of some David Smith "Cubi" sculptures) - with a bright red enamel surface stands nearby.

Just past the stream, the waters are filled with what, at first appear to be boulders, but on closer inspection, appear to be skeletal - not skeletons, mind you - more akin to icons and ceremonial carvings that one would see at a Mexican "Day of the Dead" ceremony. At this point, it isn't clear whether I am kayaking or wading in the water, but I distinctly recall thinking "I don't need to go there" and instead I disembark on the river bank not far from the tent.

I'm definitely aware that I am trespassing but pay this no mind.

Looking inside the tent, I am certain that the space is occupied. There is a hammock large enough to hold two people. I briefly jump up into the hammock, rock around briefly, and get right out. Other things in the tent include canvases, an easel and art supplies. It seems like someone was just here and left, for there is a tray of food not far from the hammock and personal items laying about the tent.

I leave the tent and walk up along the river bank until I come to a thicket of jewel-weed plants in flower.

Then I wake up.

REFERENCES: David Smith Sculpture [ http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/collections/collection-online/artwork/3955 ]; Day of the Dead Ceremonies [ http://www.inside-mexico.com/featuredead.htm ]; Jewelweed [ http://www.altnature.com/jewelweed.htm ] IMAGE SOURCES: David Smith Sculpture: Chicago Art Institute ; Day of the Dead Imagery: Emlii 22 Breathtaking Festivals Around The World ; Jewelweed: The Louisville Intercommunial Network for Education (the LINE) Nature Studies pages.

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